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Best Websites of 2025, All Classified by Quality

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Literotica Audio
Literotica Audio
Literotica Audio

I could just as easily be gazing at some titties right now, so it's unbelievable that I'm actually reviewing audio porn. Okay, I'll treat all of the audiophiles with respect. However, I'll confess that I've jerked off to certain sound clips that I got from hotties I've previously been crushing on. I can certainly understand the allure of hearing a skank groan in your ear with ecstasy. You can believe she's in the room with you by closing your eyes. It will sound even more authentic if she has a good recording equipment. Let me tell you, these bitches definitely make the best recording equipment. The days of having only built-in webcam microphones are long gone.

When it comes to the past, Literotica has existed for ages. Since its founding in the 1990s, it has been compiling a wide variety of smut stories that anyone can write, even their grandmother. It resembles an endless abyss of immorality to which everybody might freely contribute. Although not everyone is a Tolstoy fan, you may still find tens of thousands of excellent works of literature on this website to lose yourself in. If you're the type of nerd who gets up to text, that is.

However, we aren't here to discuss the stories, are we? Today, the audio is everything. These recordings range from brief compilations of sex groans to lengthy narratives with various forms of explication and narration. In essence, you have to choose your poison and deal with different levels of geek behavior. Don't be put off by the fact that the website may not be the main emphasis of the audio smut. There is more audio in this location than you could ever listen to in a lifetime. I promise you there is plenty here to last you a million and one faps.

Extended Narratives

These are essentially an expansion of the conventional literary structure that has been widely accepted on Literotica for more than 20 years. You essentially receive a book. In other words, an audiobook. The book will cover a wide range of sexual topics, from explicit scenarios to in-depth accounts of quadruple tentacle sex. Hell, if you look closely enough, you may come across tales of fictitious creatures fucking and devouring girls. When it comes to this type of literature, there aren't really any restrictions or guidelines. Since literature appears to be the least restricted medium, pornography fits right in.

Despite being sound files, these audiobooks have a book-like structure. You may sit down at home or listen to them while you're on the go. Hell, if you want, you can even take them for a jog. However, the majority of them are designed primarily for fapping. There are some masturbatory vibrations to even the ones that are too long. Yes, some take longer than others to wrap up the action, but that's because a lot of this crap was either written for or by women.

Shorter Collections of Moans

The majority of the audio sex stories on Literotica are simply soundbites of women groaning with pleasure, interspersed with kinky language. They'll beg for your cock and call you "daddy." They may even mimic some slurping sounds if they're extremely aroused. They might be sucking cock next to the microphone, who knows? If it makes you cum more quickly, you are welcome to act as though that is the fact. The point is that it's clear that these are only for the faps. It is expected of you to put one on, get into the rhythm, and go all out. This isn't really a story.

To make them simpler to locate, some of them will also have a brief written explanation in the title or description. This also helps you understand what you're hearing. Let's say you'd like to hear a girl express her desire for your cock. There are a lot of results that you can jerk off to if you search for "master slave play" or even "blowjob slurps." You know that's the setup even if you don't use the word blowjob. This is quite helpful for the more complex situations.

I'm trying to convey that there isn't an exposition in these brief moaning recordings. Therefore, she cannot just claim that if there is a complex situation involving wonderful animals or if the female is being dicked by multiple men at once. It would be illogical. She's too preoccupied with groaning to explain it to you. You read the description and the title. In this manner, you are aware of what you are getting.

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